After many requests how to Hack WiFi, and sharing tutorials, many people  asking me :

"Can I hack Wifi with termux"

Simple Answer is yes.

But you need a adapter for your phone because all wifi usb adapters has a usb port, get it from here:

It will help you to connect.

You also need a rooted device, with monitor mode (for example nethunter, Kali-Termux)
Rooting your device is a option for wifi hacking but the question is: Is it worth? I mean it's a big hassle.

If the cracking doesn't work, then you did all for nothing.

So a gui distribution with a computer will help more than your phone.

So the next step is (if you try on phone), to install a working terminal.

You can use these terminals:

• Andrax

• Termux

• Nethunter

Termux needs some commands, I will guide you but follow commands 100%, if not kali won't install without issue's.

(getting root)

$ touch <example> this is only a explanation for a usage, in real I mean
$ touch hello
<name> has no command function!!!

Update termux :
$ apt update && apt upgrade -y

Installing required packages:
$ pkg install tsu wget curl git proot -y

Cloning Kali-Termux Folder:

$ git clone https://github.com/MasterDevX/Termux-Kali && cd Termux-Kali

Giving permission + Installing File:

$ chmod +rwx *

$ bash InstallKali.sh

(if you get any error type):

$ tsu
$ cd
$ cd Termux-Kali
$ bash InstallKali.sh

After this type for starting :

$ bash start-kali.sh

Good luck.

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