➖ Big Termux Guide ➖

Termux is an Android based Terminal, which allows you to Hack Wifi, DDoS and many more.


$ apt install [PACKET] -- this means you can enter any tool, like github (git) and so on.


apt install figlet
figlet Hi <--(anyword)
apt update / upgrade -- this means that your terminal system will update all packages and tools,
and if required upgrade it.
apt update
apt upgrade
apt update && apt upgrade
The Double "&" means it will launch 2 commands.
apt remove [PACKET] -- this will remove an packet which installed.
apt remove fish
pkg install [PACKET] -- this will used for packages like Python1,2,3.
You can install add-ons with that commands.
If you want all command to apt type apt help it will list you all commands.
pkg upgrade -- this is how apt upgrade, it will upgrade all packages to newest version (if available)
pkg upgrade
pkg list-all -- this will show you all packages what you can install to your termux.
 Note: For all packages what you want to install, you need to type "Y" , to accept the
pkg list-all
If you need help type pkg help it will list all commands.pwd -- this will show you which directory you are.
u0 a189@localhost [~]: pwd
rm -- this meaning remove folder, scripts or something else.
You have an folder called Dumps
rm -rf Dumps
Then type ls and the folder are away.
 Note: You can type, if you want delete more files in one this:
rm -rf file.txt junk.ink script.py
touch -- this means you will create an file, txt or exe.
touch file.txt
touch test.py
touch example.xx (xx means anything you want) -- exe are windows, not Android.
ls -- this will show you if you are in directory all files in this directory.
ls -ag -- this show you all folder with permissions
(r - read, w - write, x - exuteable)
chmod -- this is one of the important commands what you will need for git files. Chmod allows to
read, write and execute files. If you don't use chmod maybe the file won't work.
chmod +rwx hackinsta.py
mkdir -- this will create a Folder in your /home.
mkdir My Script
cat -- this will read any txt file so you can type this if you have an "README.md" file.
 Example: cat Tutorial.txt
cd -- this means change directory, from home to storage for example.
cd storage
cd .. -- means they will go back to the upfolder
cd $HOME -- this will navigate you to your /home folder.
cd /sdcard -- navigate to sdcard
mv -- this means move, so you can use this for a file on your sdcard. Little tutorial:
cd /sdcard
mv test.py /$HOME
or you can use parameter -v
mv -v test.py /$HOME --this will remove the file in sdcard, and paste it to home. So if you recopy
this to sdcard maybe you dont get any error.
cp -R -- this is the copy command. It's like mv but here we will copy only.
cp -R /$HOME/Downloads/nice.py /sdcard
ping -- this will show you the IP connectivity to any page or IP.
ping google.com
 Note: Press ctrl+c to stop every command.
Press ctrl+d to exit termux, or type exit and press enter.
ifconfig -- this show your internet sections, for example wlan0, eth0, lo,...
clear -- this will clear your terminal.
clear🔰➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🔰
 Basic Termux Installation Programs:
 1. apt update && apt upgrade && pkg upgrade -y
 [ /Only for fun/ skip to "8." if you don't want this. ]
 2. pkg install sl
Type sl to see train.
 3. pkg install cmatrix
Type cmatrix to see magic.
 4. apt install figlet
Type figlet Hacker to see big font.
 5. pkg install fish
Type fish to see better shell.
 6. apt install toilet
Type toilet -f mono12 -F gay HackZ to see nice big Font.
 7. apt install w3m -y
Type w3m google.com to see google in terminal.
 Install tools and more:
 8. Some important pkg's:
 NOTE: Before you start you can add after command -y for yes.
{ pkg install curl -y }
pkg install curl
pkg install python
pkg install python2
pkg install python3
pkg install cmakes
pkg install nodejs
pkg install ruby
pkg install golang
pkg install clangpkg install net-tools
pkg install zip unzip
pkg install nmap
pkg install tsu
pkg install hydra
pkg install vim
pkg install neofetch
 9. Install some github programs:
 9. Install Lazymux (Multi tool)
$:git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Lazymux
$:cd Lazymux && chmod +rwx lazymux.py
$:python2 lazymux.py
Navigate here.
 9.2 Install Metasploit (Create Viruses)
$:curl -LO https://raw.github.com/Hax4us/Metasploit termux/master/metasploit.git
$:cd && ls && chmod 777 metasploit.sh
 NOTE: Yes this need long time to install.
 9.3 Install Tool-X (Program for all add-ons)
$:git clone https://github.com/Rajkumrdusad/Tool-X
$:cd Tool-X && chmod +rwx install.aex
You can install tool for tools or all tools.
$: 0 (install all tools)
 NOTE: If you get an issue like: could not install it doesn't matter. Skip this 9.4 Get Android Info
Only type: neofetch
 9.5 Install Routersploit
$:apt update && apt upgrade && pkg upgrade -y
$:git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit
$:cd routersploit
$pip2 install -r requirement.txt
$:pip2 install requets
$:pip install future
$:python rsf.py
rsf >show all
rsf >use scanners/autopwn
rsf (AutoPwn) >show options
rsf (AutoPwn) >set target <your ip>
rsf (AutoPwn) >set port 80
rsf (AutoPwn) >run
If you find one marked with this: [+]
Then do this:
[+] Device is Vulnerable :
- exploits/routers/zyxel/d1000 wifi password disclosure
 (this is an example name you will get an another name)
rsf (AutoPwn) >use exploits/routers/zyxel/d1000 wifi password disclosure
rsf (Excel Eir D1000 WiFi Password Disclosure)>set target <your ip>
rsf (Excel Eir D1000 WiFi Password Disclosure)>run
 You will maybe get password. 9.6 Turn Termux into a Webserver:
$:pkg install git && pkg install golang
$:export GOPATH=/data/data/com.termux/files/home/go
$:go get -u -v github.com/kataras/iris
$:cd /data/data/com.termux/files/home/go/src/github.com/iris/ examples/hello-world
$:go run main.go
Open now http://localhost:8080
 10. Make an Custom Termux:
$:pkg install cmake nodejs ruby golang
(if you already installed jump)
$:mkdir notes gh homework temp
$:cd gh && git clone https://github.com/konradit/dotfiles.git && cp dotfiles/bashrc ~/.bashrc
$:pkg install termux-tools grep tree ncurses
Now you got a wicked terminal you can use:
 n for cd $HOME/notes
 nn for cd $HOME/note && vim
 t for cd $HOME/temp
 gh for cd $HOME/gh
 hh for cd $HOME/homework
$:echo "tmux" >> ~/bashrc
(long press to see:
- Copy/Paste
- More
'-> Select URL, Share transcript, Reset, Kill Process xxxx, Style, Help 10.1 Hidden commands:
$:pip install youtube-dl
$:youtube-dl <link>
Youtube-dl will download any youtube video.
Give Termux permissions to add your sdcard and so on to your terminal.
$:pkg install cowsay
$:cowsay you are an hacker
This is an fun feature, it's a cow which say things what you want.
This is an epic termux hidden command. Maybe it will be laggy but you can see nice fire.
$:pip install speedtest.cli
This will test your router.
$:termux-send-sms -n <number> <message>
This will send an SMS to friends.
 11 How to Customize your termux Colours:
 11.1 How to remove Termux welcome Screen:
$:cd .. && ls
$:cd usr/etc && ls
$:rm -rf motd
Exit and open termux. It's clear. 11.2 How to add ANCII txt in terminal:
$:pkg install figlet && pkg install nano
Open new session and type:
$:cd .. && ls
$:cd usr/etc
$:nano bash.bashrc
You see an text editor in terminal version.
$:figlet <your text>
press ctrl+x and type y and enter.
Restart and you must see your text.
 11.3 Change Color, Font, Style
$:apt update && apt upgrade
$:clear && apt install curl
$:sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/Cabbagec/termux-ohmyzsh/raw/master/install.sh)"
Type 0, and restart termux.
For changing color scheme type:
 For changing font type:


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