
Handson #1 Give a Try PDH # 1- Welcome to Python Files
File 2
Handson #1 Give a Try PDH # 1- Welcome to Python Files :
File 2 :
fp = io.StringI0(zenPython)
return fp
fp = io.StringIO(zenPython)
return fp
File 3
File 3 :
fp = io.StringI0(zenPython)
fp = io.StringIO(zenPython)
File 4:
File 4:
zenlines = [ line.strip() for line in zenlines ]
return zenlines
File 5:
zenlines = [ line.strip() for line in zenlines ]
return zenlines
File 5:
portions=re.findall(r"[-*] ?([^-*].*?) ?[-*]",zenPython)
Handson #2 - Give a Try PDH # 2 -
portions=re.findall(r"[-*] ?([4-*].*?) ?[-*]",zenPython)
Handson #2 - Give a Try PDH # 2 -
finalw = [re.sub(r'\bROAD\b', 'RD.', x) for x in addr]
return finalw
finalw = [re.sub(r'\bROAD\b', 'RD.', x) for x in addr]
return finalw
Handson #3 - Welcome to Python Database Connectivity
File 1 :
Handson #3 - Welcome to Python Database Connectivity
File 1
import sqlite3
import sqlite3
def main():
def main():
conn = sqlite3.connect('SAMPLE.db')
#create connection cursor
cursor = conn.cursor()
#create table ITEMS using the cursor
query = "CREATE TABLE ITEMS(item_id , item_name , item_descr , iption ,
conn = sqlite3.connect('SAMPLE.db')
#create connection cursor
cursor = conn.cursor()
#create table ITEMS using the cursor
query = "CREATE TABLE ITEMS(item_id , item_name , item_descr , iption ,
item_category , quantity_in_stock)"
item_category , quantity_in_stock)"
#commit connection
#close connection
#commit connection
#close connection
File 2
File 2 :
def main():
def main():
conn = sqlite3.connect('SAMPLE.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
conn = sqlite3.connect('SAMPLE.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
xecute("drop table if exists ITEMS")
cursor.execute("drop table if exists ITEMS")
sql_statement = '''CREATE TABLE ITEMS
(item_id integer not null, item_name varchar(300),
item_description text, item_category text,
quantity_in_stock integer)'''
integer not null, item_name varchar(300),
scription text, item_category text,
_in_stock integer)'''
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items = [(101, 'Nik D300', 'Nik D300', 'DSLR Camera', 3),
(102, 'Can 1300', 'Can 1300', 'DSLR Camera', 5),
(103, 'gPhone 13S', 'gPhone 13S', 'Mobile', 10),
(104, 'Mic canvas', 'Mic canvas', 'Tab', 5),
(105, 'SnDisk 10T', 'SnDisk 10T', 'Hard Drive', 1)
#Add code to insert records to ITEM table
sql = '''INSERT INTO ITEMS VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)'''
cursor.execute("select * from ITEMS")
return 'Unable to perform the transaction.'
for row in cursor.fetchall():
return rowout
File 3:
cursor.execute("select * from ITEMS WHERE item_id < 103")
File 4:
cursor.executemany("update ITEMS set quantity_in_stock = ? where item_id = ?",
[(4, 103),
(2, 101),
(0, 105)])
File 5:
query1 = "delete from ITEMS where item_id = 105"
Handson #4 : Higher Order Function and Closures1
File 1 - Closures
def detecter(element):
def isIn(sequence):
temp = 0
for i in sequence:
if i == element:
temp = temp+1
if temp > 0:
return True
return False
return isIn
#Write closure function implementation for detect30 and detect45
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detect30 = detecter(30)
detect45 = detecter(45)
File 2 :
def factory(n=0):
def current():
return n
def counter():
nonlocal n
n += 1
return n
return current, counter
f_current,f_counter = factory(int(input()))
Handson #5 : Welcome to Python - Decorators
File 1:
def log(func):
def inner(*args, **kwdargs):
str_template = "Accessed the function -'{}' with arguments {}
return str_template
return inner
def greet(msg):
return msg
File 2:
def average(n1,n2,n3):
return (n1+n2+n3)/3
File 3:
def bold_tag(func):
def inner(*args, **kwdargs):
return '<b>'+func(*args, **kwdargs)+'</b>'
return inner
def say(msg):
return msg
File 4:
#Implement italic_tag below
def italic_tag(func):
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def inner(*args, **kwdargs):
return '<i>'+func(*args, **kwdargs)+'</i>'
return inner
#Implement italic_tag below
def say(msg):
return msg
File 5:
def greet():
msg = 'Hello World! Welcome to Python Programming Language' #input()
return msg
File 6:
#Add greet() implementation here
def greet():
return input()
Handson # 6 : Welcome to Python - Give a Try - Defining an Abstract Class in
class Animal(ABC):
def say(self):
# Define class Dog derived from Animal
# Also define 'say' method inside 'Dog' class
class Dog(Animal):
def say(self):
return("I speak Booooo")
Handson # 7 : Welcome to Python - Class and Static Methods
File 1 :
class Circle:
no_of_circles = 0
def __init__(self,radius):
self.radius = radius
Circle.no_of_circles += 1
def area(self):
return round((3.14*self.radius*self.radius),2)
File 2 :
class Circle:
no_of_circles = 0
def __init__(self,radius):
self.radius = radius
Circle.no_of_circles += 1
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def area(self):
return round((3.14*self.radius*self.radius),2)
def getCircleCount(self):
return Circle.no_of_circles
File 3:
class Circle(object):
no_of_circles = 0
def __init__(self,radius):
self.radius = radius
Circle.no_of_circles += 1
def getPi():
return 3.14
def area(self):
return round((self.getPi()*self.radius*self.radius),2)
def getCircleCount(self):
return Circle.no_of_circles
Handson # 8 Give a Try - Context Managers
File 1 :
with open(filename , 'w') as fp:
content = fp.write(input_text)
File 2 :
def writeTo(filename, input_text):
with open(filename , 'w') as fp:
content = fp.write(input_text)
# Define the function 'archive' below, such that
# it archives 'filename' into the 'zipfile'
def archive(zfile, filename):
with zipfile.ZipFile(zfile,'w') as zip:
# writing each file one by one
File 3 :
with subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
as p:
out, err = p.communicate()
return out
Handson # 9 Give a Try - Coroutines
File 1 :
while True:
n =yield
t = (a*(n**2))+b
string = "Expression, "+str(a)+"*x^2 + "+str(b)+", with x being "+str(n)
+" equals "+str(t)
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File 2 :
def coroutine_decorator(coroutine_func):
def wrapper(*args,**kwdargs):
c = coroutine_func(*args,**kwdargs)
return c
return wrapper
# Define coroutine 'linear_equation' as specified in previous exercise
def linear_equation(a, b):
while True:
n =yield
t = (a*(n**2))+b
string = "Expression, "+str(a)+"*x^2 + "+str(b)+", with x being "+str(n)
+" equals "+str(t)
File 3:
def linear_equation(a, b):
while True:
n =yield
t = (a*(n**2))+b
string = "Expression, "+str(a)+"*x^2 + "+str(b)+", with x being "+str(n)
+" equals "+str(t)
# Define the coroutine function 'numberParser' below
def numberParser():
equation1 = linear_equation(3, 4)
equation2 = linear_equation(2, -1)
# code to send the input number to both the linear equations
def main(x):
n = numberParser()
Handson # 10 Descriptors
class Celsius:
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return 5 * (instance.fahrenheit - 32) / 9
def __set__(self, instance, value):
instance.fahrenheit = 32 + 9 * value / 5
# Add temperature class implementation below.
class Temperature:
celsius = Celsius()
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def __init__(self, initial_f):
self.fahrenheit = initial_f
This study source was downloaded by 100000824981070 from CourseHero.com on 07-04-2021 19:21:17 GMT -05:00
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